Thursday, February 14, 2008

Looking for a book in a language other than English?

I have to admit, we really do not have many books in languages other than English. We may be able to help you find some titles, though. If you go to the MnLINK Gateway, you can search all of the public and academic libraries in Minnesota (Select "All Catalogs for MnLINK Gateway [shared]" under Profile)-or even WorldCat (Select "ELM - WorldCat [shared]" under Profile), which contains many libraries from around the world. For best results, use the advanced search feature. There, you can even limit the results presented to you by language of the item (I wouldn't recommend using this option, though).

Then, you can submit a request for the item, by clicking "Get it." From there, you will need to know your library barcode (the 14-digit number from the back of your student ID) and your password (generally, your last name). Leave the pick up location as "1. My Library." On the next screen, select "Request via ILL." Finally, on the "My Requests" page, you will need to specify the pickup location of "Managed by MnPALS."

Just remember, these books aren't located at MSCTC, so it may take a week or two to arrive. Plus, some requests may not be able to be filled-even if you do find a record for the item you want.

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