Thursday, July 2, 2009

Emergency Notifications - Star Alert System

Emergency Notifications - Star Alert System
Did You Know?
QUESTION: If there's a campus emergency, how will you know?
ANSWER: Star Alert, an emergency notification system that sends you an e-mail and a text message.
But, first you have to sign up for the free service.
Star Alert messages briefly note the nature of the emergency, what action, if any, should be taken, and where to find additional information. Multiple numbers and addresses can be registered, including those of parents or others a registrant would want notified. Star Alert is one of several ways students and employees might be notified of a campus emergency. Depending on the nature and severity of the emergency, notification methods could include:
Alerts on the M State Web site
E-mail message to SpartanNet addresses
Voicemail message on campus phones
Flyers posted on building doors
Loud tone and message on the outdoor chimes/music system
Message on closed-circuit televisions

250+ Killer Digital Libraries and Archives

Hundreds of libraries and archives exist online, from university-supported sites to individual efforts. Each one has something to offer to researchers, students, and teachers. This list contains over 250 libraries and archives that focus mainly on localized, regional, and U.S. history, but it also includes larger collections, eText and eBook repositories, and a short list of directories to help you continue your research efforts.